2nd Tuesdays

Tuesday, May 14, 7 pm. Stay tuned for more information on performers. Limited seating. $15, $10/members. Bring your own snacks and drinks. MAAG will provide ice and cups.

3rd Wednesdays

Join us for third Wednesdays Jazz Jam Session with Passage Jazz on May 15. Doors open at 5:30 PM with music starting at 6 PM. Tickets: $15/person, $10/members, $5/musician to join in the jam. Bring your own snacks and drinks. MAAG will provide ice and cups.

Figure Drawing Group: Meets weekly on Thursdays, 6:30-9:30 PM, $15. Enter through the driveway/loading dock on Mt. Pleasant Avenue. Join us on May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. We would appreciate the donation of any easels you may no longer be using. Please email to coordinate.

Photo Club: Meets monthly on the 3rd Saturday, 12:15-2:15 PM, $5. Bring 3 images on a thumb drive to share. There is no meeting in December. The next meeting will be held May 18. Email for more information.